Hello from SE Asia!

Welcome to the Flying Tin Cans! Please post here if you are interested in joining us!
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Hello from SE Asia!

Post by zackii »

Hi the FTC team,

I'm zackii and have been flying IL-2 for over a year now. I became interested in your guys after watching Sheriff sim shack and is looking for an authentic WW2 air-war reenactment experienced with the main focus of teamwork & fun. I don't pay too much attention to Winning or Losing as long as at the end of the day everyone have their fun :)
Currently I'm flying with JG1 and the Dora is my beloved aircraft. I mostly fly fighter & heavy fighter
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Re: Hello from SE Asia!

Post by KingBob »

It would be cool to have someone from SE Asia fly with us. Just curious, which country are you from? The campaign is flown starting at 1900 UTC so it would be very late at night in SE Asia going into early morning on Sunday night/Monday Morning.

Could you tell us a little more about your experience and do you have all of the DLCs/ collector planes?

I have not really been a big fan of the Dora, I am more of a K4 kinda guy. I do like finding Doras when I am flying a P-51;)
How many men have you killed?
Not men, fascists. 309
Lyudmila Pavlichenko
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Re: Hello from SE Asia!

Post by zackii »

Hi KingBob

I'm from Vietnam, so 2AM my time. But I'm an early sleeper and have been flying practice with JG1 EU team around that time on Tuesday so time-zone is not a problem for me!

I've been flying mostly German plane in Il-2 for a year and a half now, and occasionally try out a few allies turboprop like Spit MK XIV & Tempest. For collector planes I have :
Axis : BF-109 G6/AS, Fw-190 A3, MC.202 ( I suck at this plane... ), my beloved Dora, and the upcoming IAR-80/81
Allies : Spitfire Mk XIV ( non-teardrop canopy ), Yak-9T, P-38, both La-5 variants.

I owned Normandy, Bodenplatte, Kuban and Stalingrad expansions
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Re: Hello from SE Asia!

Post by KingBob »

Great. I kinda want to go gets some Pho now, there is a nice Pho restaurant near me.
You could even think about asking some of the other JG1 guys to give this a shot.
How many men have you killed?
Not men, fascists. 309
Lyudmila Pavlichenko
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Re: Hello from SE Asia!

Post by Dadnar »

Welcome zackii,

We would love to have you try out our campaign. The time of campaign start is actually 18:00 UTC and ideally, you would want to be ready at 17:30 UTC. The total time commitment would be roughly 17:30-21:00 UTC. We generally fly 6 Sundays in a row, followed by a two week break, so you can sleep some Sundays :)

If you think this is doable, or would like to ask me some additional questions, feel free to contact me via our discord. We also use Teamspeak for most of our comms.

Discord: https://discord.gg/th3wJDuseJ

Teamspeak server:
Address: flyingtincans.com
PW: feenix

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Re: Hello from SE Asia!

Post by Spigot »

Welcome Zackii!

Sounds like we're a good fit for what you're looking for, and if you can make the time work then we'd love to have you along!

Once you've joined our Discord one of our recruitment team will be in touch to get you set up for campaign, and answer any questions you have.

Look forward to seeing you in the skies!

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