Membership without Sundays?

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Membership without Sundays?

Post by Mago »

Hello FTC pilots,

I´m a very longterm and experienced WW2 (>23 years in various sims) and modern (DCS for ~10 years, competitively for ~4 years) pilot who really enjoyed FTC_Satchel´s videos and liked the info on your webpage, what you do and how organized you fly. I´m part of the group StG2 for ages but nowadays it is more like a fun group not really flying in a big, organized group anymore but casual which is fine but I want to take it to the next level again. I am willing to contribute with trainings, administrative stuff, simple mission building/updating (although my knowledge with the IL-2 editor is very limited) or whatever I can help with.

I like the campaign idea and the fact you have squadrons who fly on both axis and allied sides which is what I like to do as well. I would love to join but I already got a weekly appointment with my DCS squadron (TAW) where I am a staff member which makes me unavailable on most Sunday evenings. Long story short, is there any other day in the week you do stuff and would it be enough to participate on those happenings or is there really no way around the Sunday eves?

Best regards
Last edited by Mago on Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Membership without Sundays?

Post by Andvarus »

First of all thank you for you interest Mago.

First, yes we do have other stuff happening during the Weekdays, mostly tuesday, wensdays abd thrusdays. But those fly-out mostly consist of joining one of the servers and flying togther as big group. I.e. we fly escort for our Bomber Squadron, do ground strike missions and some of us are even driving tanks sometimes. You are welcome to join and see for yourself.

Now the big thing, the Sunday Campaing Missions are basically the Bread and Butter of FTC. If you can't join them you are really missing out on the stuff that makes FTC such a great expierience. Since you saw some of Satchels Videos (Videos are also produced by DerSheriff, Wolfpack345, Meph's Tactical Review, Ryolitt, Idol, Karrt and Drace) you know of the scale and the effort we put into those campaigns. Normally we would like people to attend at least 50% of the Missions of a set.

I dont want to turn you down or anything but I felt like this needed to be adressed.
If you still are interested in joining or checking out our fly-outs, you are welcome to join our Discord-Server ->
aswel as our TS:

PW: feenix

If you have any other questions, just hit us up here, on TS or on Discord.

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Re: Membership without Sundays?

Post by Dadnar »

Welcome Mago!

Andvarus pretty much covered most of the main topics. If you join our discord and acknowledge the rules, you will have access to our "Fly-Outs" channel where people advertise their casual fly-outs. There is usually a big one on Thursdays at ~20:00 UTC that is a bit more organized and a lot of fun.

If your schedule ever changes, let us know and we would be happy to talk to you about membership and get you into the campaign. Feel free to send me any questions you might have through discord.

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Re: Membership without Sundays?

Post by Mago »

Hello Andvarus and Dadnar,

first of all, thank you for your replies and information. My DCS group (TAW) actually has the same system of attendance with a minimum of 50%. I am loyal and not willing to leave them and there won´t be changes to their schedule unfortunately. We count other 'events' as well over the week but they don´t feed into the mandatory 50% of the main events. I would like to discuss whether there are possibilities for me to make it work nontheless. My suggestion would be to divide my time 50/50 between TAW and FTC because I have several other appointments with TAW over the week due to me being XO there. I believe since I contribute a lot of my time, they would be understanding if I cut down my mandatory attendance on Sundays to the minimum. For FTC I wouldn´t be able to do more than minimum attendance either though plus some casual flyouts over the week as you mentioned. Would that be an interesting possibility for you at all? I would discuss this with my superior there and would like to hear your oppinion on this ofc. since there will be times I cannot make either of the events obviously due to personal life or whatever. That would result in me diving beneath minimum on both sides so I would like to know how strict those rules get inforced or if there are ways like leaves or temporary discharges as in TAW.

Thank you for the links! I will join the discord for now and maybe we can talk about possibilities in person since I am really interested as you can tell and would like to make it work somehow.

Also thanks for the editional youtube channel mentions. I know Sheriff´s channel and will check out the others. Especially Meph's Tactical Review sounds very interesting. I like such stuff. :)

Best regards
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