Looking forward to joining you all online.

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Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Good day all, I've recently started playing IL2-BoS after playing several hours on CLoD (blenheim and bf109s mainly). I'm no expert in aerial combat by any means but would like to join in a little of the online camaraderie if possible, perhaps serving a purpose as bait?

Mostly I have flown the bf109s and the awful tankbuster thing, mucked about with the Stuka and I'm currently learning the fw190. Flight sims have definitely improved in the 20 or so years I've been absent.

(Anyone remember the Psion Flight Simulator on the Sinclair Spectrum?).
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Do you folks use TS or Discord to chat to each other?
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by Dadnar »

Glad you made it MorsKochanski!

Next step would be to join our discord and Teamspeak and we'll have a European recruiter get in touch with you:

Discord: https://discord.gg/th3wJDuseJ

Teamspeak server:
Address: flyingtincans.com
PW: feenix

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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by Andvarus »

Hey MorsKochanski,

glad you stubled upon us, from what I can read you are interested in flying Ground Attackers or is that just what you flew up until now, in BoX/BoS that is.
As Dadnar already mentioned we use both Discord and TS3. TS3 is for most of our voice chats while Discord ist just for most discussions, comunications etc.

If you have any further questions dont be afraid to ask.
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Great stuff, I'll add the channel to TS and look forward to hearing from Andvarus.

I mainly flew the blenheim in CLoD because the fighter dynamics were brutal for a beginner and I would frequently stall, plus the online community is small now, so flying fighters is a little dull, even in a ground attack role.

In BoS I have concentrated on the bf109, which I have a pretty good steer around, dogfighting still needs some advice as I tend to always get into a turn fight and lose. I tried the awful tank buster plane and quickly abandoned it, I'm now learnign the fw190. Not so much in a ground attack mode, more aerial – but I'm happy to do either.
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Right, I have the TS channel added, look forward to chatting soon.
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by Andvarus »

Excellent, all I need now from you is to join our Discord Sever [https://discord.gg/Ff2EHGnZPr], so I can message you on Discord for easier communication. If you happen to have time tonight I can give you a quick run down on what you need and maybe you can even join tomorrows Mission.
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Both now joined.
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by Spigot »

Welcome in mate, hope you managed to touch base with Andvarus last night!

Otherwise, look forward to seeing you in the sky!
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Re: Looking forward to joining you all online.

Post by MorsKochanski »

Thanks almost everyone for making me welcome, sadly, FTC is not a good fit for me at the moment for a few reasons.

Maybe, in a year or so when I have more experience under my belt, I'll pop back and see if it works better then. Until that time I wish you all the best.
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