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Me like plane Me go up tin can

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 4:32 am
by Mental
Me is want to join

Re: Me like plane Me go up tin can

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:12 am
by Guido
Hi Mental,

Let us know your background, either here or on discord, in terms of your experience, preferences of aircraft to fly and which time zone you're in. There's no minimum requirement of expertise necessary to join but this will help our recruitment team set you up with a unit to with fly as soon as possible.

Hope to speak to you soon :D

Re: Me like plane Me go up tin can

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 11:00 am
by Cule
Hi, welcome to the Flying Tin Cans!

Our main campaign event runs on sundays, starting with the briefings at 17:30 Zulu time. The campaign mission runs for 3 hours, and different squadrons will connect at different times to perform their sorties.

Backing up what Guido said, please hop into our teamspeak 3 server during the week to get assigned to a specific unit, get to know the details of our campaign and know at what time the next mission sortie will be. You will find us most active on thursdays, as it is training night, but you can also hop in during other weekdays. Depending on your preferences we can assign you to different units.

Use this link to join FTC Discord. This is the main place where you get all the necessary information about community and missions.

Our TeamSpeak server address to get in touch:
PW: feenix

If you want to join FTC, please try to commit to fly as many sundays as possible, as the most important element of our campaign re-enactment is the teamwork and structure of our squadrons. If you cannot attend to the mission please let your squadron know in advance so they can plan ahead. It is also highly recommended that you partake in events or trainings outside the mission to make the squadron experience better.