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Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:43 pm
by GoatNine44
Hey guys, finally got time to make me an account lol.
I'm 27, Dutch and a big WW2 enthusiast. Been learning about ww2 since I was about 6, all started with watching Saving Private Ryan at the age of 6 :lol:

Went to Normandy last month for D-Day 78 (experience to never forget), stayed on Camping Omaha Beach and had a direct sight in the beach which was awesome, my livelong goal is pretty much achieved with that, definitely will be back.

Got myself in on IL-2 after watching some YT videos, mainly from Zach and joined the 41st Squadron on Discord and flew with a few there. Riksen told me about you guys and so i'm here!

I'm more of a First Person Shooter kinda guy and a Simracer, but something about flying old planes in a hardcore sim is just amazing.

I'm using a Thrustmaster Hotas X and the Oculus Quest 2 for more immersion.. I need some more practice but i'll get there.

Definitely looking forward to joining you guys every now and then when I can obviously!

Re: Hey!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:18 pm
by Dadnar
Welcome GoatNine!

Glad you found us here. I started watching a lot of WWII movies at an early age as well, but I think it was later than 6 years old :)

Do you have a favorite flying style such as fighters, ground attack or bombers? Preference for Allied or Axis planes? How often do you think you would be able to make missions on Sunday?


Re: Hey!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:46 pm
by GoatNine44
I've really only flown the Spitfire and thanks to some of the guys at 41Squad I got the hang of all the controls and all. Have flown some axis planes but don't really like how they fly. I definitely want to give a bomber a shot once and for sure the C47 when it releases! My style is pretty agressive tbh lol

And for the sunday fly alongs.. tbh i'm not too sure, kind of having a tight schedule. I either work 12 hour shifts on the weekend or i'm gone from home, also the 17.30h timeframe you guys have is a difficult one to catch sometimes, but won't join for a bit because I seriously have to get some more "seat time" in the Spitfire to up my flying again and learn all my controls again, been a few months since I last booted IL-2

Re: Hey!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:32 pm
by Dadnar
Just send me a message on discord when you think you will have more free time and I'll get you setup.


Re: Hey!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:26 pm
by Aiken
Hey! Always good to see new faces regardless of skill level, I'm sure our excellent recruitment chaps will get you sorted in no time. Looking forward to seeing you in the skies, though if you wind up flying Allied I'll have to hope I see you before you see me!

Re: Hey!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:02 pm
by GoatNine44
Hahah we'll see about that Aiken! :lol:
Hope to see y'all soon! Really want to get my flying back on