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Greetings from LLv26!

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:09 pm
by LLv26Junnu
I am inquiring about the possibility of participating in "the other gays" online campaign.
Some pilots (1...6) from our squadron could participate if the campaign times are suitable for them and there is room for slightly intoxicated pilots :mrgreen: . We can fly Axis and Allied planes just as badly both 8-)

I think you know us from past. We flying often at VPF server.

You can find our vids here:

Greetings: LLv26_Junnu

Re: Greetings from LLv26!

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:58 pm
by Rostic
I think you slightly misspelled campaign title. It is "The over gUys".

However. Welcome to FTC!
First of all join our Discord server:
If you did already please, tell us your nickname you are using in Discord.
Discord is currently main place for chatting and group news and announcements.
Pay attention to #information channel. There you'll find TeamSpeak address and password.
Also familiarize yourself with "Documentation" section in our Pilot And Mission database (we call it just PAM):

After you'll join Discord server one of our recruiters will contact you.
Good luck!

Re: Greetings from LLv26!

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:51 pm
by LLv26Junnu
Ok thanks. I manage get in discord. I will read more info from there later.
I have sometimes difficaulties with letters :lol:

Re: Greetings from LLv26!

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:20 pm
by Dadnar
Hey Juno,

I see you've made it into discord and I will be in touch.

Welcome to FTC!
